
Frequently Asked Questions

Donation FAQ

Where can I mail donation checks?

Address: The Heart of Gold Sickle Cell Foundation of Northern Virginia, INC.
P.O. Box 23681
Alexandria, VA 22304

Who should I make my check out to?

Please make check out to: HOGSF or Heart of Gold SCD Foundation

Are donations tax deductible? 

Absolutely, your charitable donation is tax deductible.

A donor is requesting a Tax ID Number: What is it and how do I get it? 

A Tax ID number identifies The Heart of Gold Sickle Cell Foundation of Northern Virginia, INC.  as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Many donors will request this number to validate their donation as tax-deductible. HOGSCF Tax ID number is 

Is there any charge or fee to me for this service?

There is no fee to make an online donation.